Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ILOG JRules Certification

IBM Certified Application Developer - WebSphere ILOG JRules V7.0

Job Role Description / Target Audience

This intermediate level certification is intended for technical professionals with a working knowledge of the IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules V7.0 platform needed to develop applications.  These technical professionals have gained practical experience through the design and implementation of business rule solutions using IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules V7.0.  In particular, application developers need to demonstrate their experience with the:
  1. design of rule projects.
  2. designing and authoring of rules.
  3. rule orchestration.
  4. deployment of rules. 
  5. rule execution integration.
  6. rule testing and simulation using DVS.
  7. use of all product modules (Rule Studio, RTS, RES, RSO, DVS, Decision Warehouse).
  8. basic Java API of the product
To attain the IBM Certified Application Developer - WebSphere ILOG JRules V7.0 certification, candidates must pass 1 test.  To gain additional knowledge and skills, and prepare for the tests based on the job roles and test objectives, take the link to the test below, and refer to the Test Preparation tab.

Recommended Prerequisite Skills

(Note: Knowledge and skills one needs to possess before beginning to prepare for this job role certification)
  1. experience with Java 
  2. object oriented concepts
  3. basic SOA

Test 000-529: IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules V7.0, Application Development


  1. Number of questions: 53
  2. Time allowed in minutes: 150
  3. Required passing score: 56%
  4. Test languages: English, Japanese


The test consists of five sections containing a total of 53 multiple-choice questions. The percentages after each section title reflect the approximate distribution of the total question set across the sections.

Each test:
  1. contains questions requiring single and multiple answers. For multiple-answer questions, you need to choose all required options to get the answer correct. You will be advised how many options make up the correct answer. 
  2. is designed to provide diagnostic feedback on the Examination Score Report, correlating back to the test objectives, informing the test taker how he or she did on each section of the test. As a result, to maintain the integrity of each test, questions and answers are not distributed

Section 1 - Rule Design (26%)

  1. Given a business rule scenario, including a business rule, identify how the rule should be implemented.
  2. Identify how rule elements are organized in Rule Studio.
  3. Identify the characteristics and designing of BOM.
  4. Identify the characteristics and designing of XOM.
  5. Establish BOM to XOM mapping.
  6. Orchestrate rule execution.
  7. Identify the need for a rule extension model.
Section 2 - Rule Authoring (28%)
  1. Given a scenario, determine which rule artifact should be used.
  2. Given a scenario, determine which variable (automatic, ruleset, rule) or parameter should be used.
  3. Identify the rule editor that should be used.
  4. Identify the correct use of BAL language constructs.
  5. Identify the correct use of IRL language constructs.
  6. Define and improve the verbalization of the rules.
  7. Given a scenario, identify which rule authoring configuration is needed.
Section 3 - Rule Execution (21%)
  1. Execute rules in Rule Studio.
  2. Given a scenario, choose the correct engine algorithm.
  3. Debug rule execution.
  4. Given a scenario, identify the appropriate rule engine integration strategy.
Section 4 - Rule Validation (16%)
  1. Write test scenarios including using a custom scenario provider.
  2. Perform the steps to setup rule validation using DVS.
  3. Check rule consistency and completeness.
  4. Setup Decision Warehouse.
  5. Create simulations based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Section 5 - Rule Deployment (10%)
  1. Synchronize between rule authoring environments.
  2. Create and deploy Rule App and Ruleset.

Test Preparation

Sample / Assessment test

Rule Studio essential tasks

  1. Setting up a rule project
  2. Creating ruleset parameters
  3. Working with ruleflows
  4. Writing rules
  5. Running and debugging
  6. Testing, validating, and auditing rules
  7. Executing rules

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