- Work Experience - Canada
- 1997(Feb) - 1998(Feb) Worksafe BC, Richmold, BC, Canada
- Teleform Project
- Wireless Data Access (CDPD Modems) Proof of Concept Project
- Mainframe/PC Integration (RACE Optimization Project)
- 1995(Sept) - 1997(Jan) Ministry of Transportation, Victoria, BC, Canada
- 1994(Nov) - 1995(Sept) Safeway Vancouver, BC, Canada
- 1994 (Jan-May) Telus, Burnaby, BC, Canada
- 1992(Nov) -1994(Dec) Overwaitea Food Group, Surrey, BC, Canada
- 1990(Mar) - 1992(Nov) IBM Canada, Markham, Ontario, Canada
- 1987(Apr) - 1990(Jan) BC Hydro, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- 1980(Dec) - 1987(Feb) Suncor OilSands Co. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- 1978 - 1980 Honda Canada, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
- 1977 - 1978 Insurance Bureau of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1997(Feb) - 1998(Feb) Worksafe BC, Richmold, BC, Canada
- Roles
- Systems Analysis, design, Project Management, Technical Lead
- Programming, testing,debugging,implementation
- Mainframe Batch programming (Cobol/DB2)
- Wireless Technology (Proof of Concept)
- Client/Server Programming (Visual Basic, Access)
- CSP Conversion (using VisualGen 3.0)
- DB2 Data Modelling/Normalization
- DB2 Tables/Views design
- TCP/IP Networking
- Mainframe/PC application integration (using FTP and REXEC)
- Technical Environment
- Windows NT 4.0
- MS Access (1,0, 2.0, 97)
- Visual Basic 4.0/5.0
- Powerbuilder 5.0/6.0
- IBM 3090, OS/MVS, OS/390
- COBOL II, VisualAge Cobol, Smalltalk, TSO/ISPF,CLIST
- SQL Server 6.5,
- Oracle DBMS
- Visual Basic
- Projects
- Teleform Project
- Wireless Data Access (CDPD Modems) Proof of Concept Project
- Insurance Premium Assessments, Accidents Analysis/Prevention
Teleform Project
Every year, the CLIENT hires about 50 temporary clerical help to help manually enter data into a computerized system. This activity last for about 2 months, after which the temporary help are laid-off. Due to the high cost and disruptive nature of this process, it was decided to automate this yearly activity.
TELEFORM, a software package, was considered as a viable solution: it will read data from the form (forms sent via fax, e-mail or regular mail) and converts it into a text file. This text file will then be used to update a Mainframe-based system.
The following are the project requirements:
- Install TELEFORM to process the incoming forms (via fax, e-mail, regular mail)
- Extract the data from the forms and create a file to feed the Mainframe System
The following are some of my duties and responsibilities:
- Identify data, data format, and record layouts acceptable by the Mainframe System
- Coordinate with other in-house technical experts (Networking, Security, etc.) to get their input, review, and approval of the project and the proposed methodologies to be applied
- Identify data sources, data/file conversion required to translate TELEFORM file into acceptable Mainframe file
- Select programming tools (VISUAL BASIC to convert TELEFORM file to Mainframe formatted file, COBOL to update Mainframe DB2 databases and produce Management Reports, IBM )
- Design and develop VISUAL BASIC programs to convert the text file produced by TELEFORM into a file readable by a Mainframe Cobol program.
- Design and setup the JCL to automatically run VISUAL BASIC programs on a PC, upload the resulting PC file from the PC to the IBM Mainframe, and run a Cobol/DB2 program on the Mainframe withou any user/operator intervention.
- Perform programming, testing, debugging, unit/system testing, implementation
- Setup backup and recovery procedures
Wireless Data Access (CDPD Modems) Proof of Concept Project
Field auditors require access to Head Office Mainframe information from anywhere. Currently, whenever field auditors require information from Head Office, they have to go to the nearest facility where a phone jack connection is available for their laptops. This could be miles from the object being audited (i.e, a fishing vessel out at sea).
The following are the project requirements:
- Enable Field Auditors to access Head Office information wherever they may be through their computer laptops
- Prove that the technology is doable
The following are some of my duties and responsibilities:
- Helped identify CDPD Modem as a viable wireless communication tool.
- Interview field auditors to determine information requirements
- Designed and developed a VISUAL BASIC program to accept input from field auditors, retrieve the requested information from the Head Office data base (DB2 on the Mainframe), and display it on the field auditors laptop.
- Set up test DB2 tables, UNIX gateways, ODBC parameters, TCP/IP connections
Mainframe/PC Integration (RACE Optimization Project)
Reduced quarterly file conversion effort from 1 week to a few hours.
RACE is a management reporting system. It is a laptop-based system written in MS Access 2.0. Every quarter, data is retrieved from an IBM Mainframe database, converted to MS Access readable file, and then loaded into an MS Access database on an NT Server. Each field auditors will then download their specific files from the NT Server. Every quarter, a considerable amount of effort is expended to complete the whole process.
Automated various Management Reporting Systems using FTP, REXEC,
MS IIS 3.0 and MS Access. Automation reduced the time required to download DB2 data into laptops from 5 days to 3 hours. Increased data download frequency from Quarterly to monthly. As a result, data used by field officers became more up-to-date.
1995(Sept) - 1997(Jan) Ministry of Transportation, Victoria, BC, Canada
- Roles
- Systems Analysis, design, Programming
- On-line/Batch Programming (IMS DC/DB2/Oracle) using PL/1
- Technical Environment
- IBM 3090, OS/MVS
- Projects
- Photo Radar System
- Courts System
- Electronics Payment System
1994(Nov) - 1995(Sept) Safeway Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Roles
- Systems Analysis, design, Project Management, Technical Lead
- Programming, testing,debugging,implementation
- Technical Environment
- Windows NT 4.0
- Visual Basic
- Projects
- Merchandising, Direct Store Delivery, Warehousing
1994 (Jan-May) Telus, Burnaby, BC, Canada
- Roles
- Systems Analysis, design, programming
- Technical Environment
- IBM 3090, OS/MVS
- Projects
- Billing Systems Integration Project
Billing Systems Integration Project
The western Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba) Telcos decided to integrate their individual Billing Systems.
The following are my duties and responsibilities for the BC Billing System:
- Identify all the programs that contains hard-coded values and document the type, value, and purpose of these hard-coded values.
- Identify the files, databases that contains BC-specific values and document the type, value, and purpose of these BC-specific values.
- Design, present, and document alternative solutions to replace the hard-coded and BC-specific values. These solutions should be able to accommodate the varying requirements of the participating Telcos.
1992(Nov) -1994(Dec) Overwaitea Food Group, Surrey, BC, Canada
- Roles
- Technical Systems programming, Analysis, and design
- Technical Environment
- IBM 3090, OS/MVS
- Projects
- Accounts Payable(Software AG ) Project
Lead Developer, Accounts Payable(Software AG ) Project
The CLIENT recently purchased an A/P software package from Software AG. This is written in COBOL/NATURAL, ADABAS, and EASYTRIEVE.
My primary responsibility is to set up the A/P Job Schedule.
- Identify the tasks and group the tasks into daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly etc. as the case may be.
- Identify system dependencies: which task must run before/after a specific task.
- Identify file dependencies: which file to accept from other systems and which files to create for other system
- Identify and estimate data storage requirements, processing time
- Design and setup backup and recovery procedures (daily, weekly, inter-job backups)
- Set up and test the Job Schedule, file interfaces, volume requirements
- Perform stress testing
- Provide analysis, programming, technical, and training support on a daily basis
1990(Mar) - 1992(Nov) IBM Canada, Markham, Ontario, Canada
- Roles
- Systems Analysis, design, Project Management, Technical Lead
- Programming, testing,debugging,implementation
- Technical Environment
- IBM 3090, OS/MVS
- Projects
- EDI Project for the Supply/Demand and Distribution Systems
- Miscellaneious Accounting Systems (Inventory, Order Entry)
Lead Developer, EDI Supply and Demand Distribution System Automation Project
The company wanted to shorten the order/delivery lifecycle from a few weeks to days.
In addition,the company wants to track orders from the time the order was placed to the time the goods are received at the warehouse.
Previously, orders were handled manually. Individual orders were entered into the company’s order entry system. These orders are then printed on hardcopy and then sent by priority mail to different suppliers. The suppliers in turn enter the orders into their own order entry system, fills the order, and ship the goods. They also send the invoice via regular mail. Upon receiving the invoice, the buyer enters the invoice details in their computerized system and prints Orders/Shipped Details Report. By this time, a few weeks would have gone by.
The solution was to automate order submission and order feedback using DB2, batch QMF, and Job Scheduler(JCL).
The following were some of my duties and responsibilities:
- Study the buyer’s and the suppliers’s order entry systems
- Prepare a Conceptual Design Document outlining the findings and confirming findings with users and technical staff
- Prepare a Technical Design Document outlining the proposed technical solution
- Create the required DB2 tables/views and batch QMF procedures
- Develop, test, and implement the proposed technical solution to update Supplier’s DB2 table with no manual intervention
- Develop, test, and implement the proposed technical solution to retrieve invoice data from the Supplier’s DB2 table and update buyer’s shipped orders DB2 table directly with no manual intervention
1987(Apr) - 1990(Jan) BC Hydro, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Roles
- Systems Analysis, design, Project Management, Technical Lead
- Technical Systems programming, Analysis, and design
- Technical Environment
- IBM 3090, OS/MVS, IBM PC
- Projects
- Business Management System
- Corporate Financial Reporting System
- G/L Online Audit Trail System
- BC Hydro Dam Project Control System
- Westech Invoicing System
The following were some of my duties and responsibilities:
- Played various roles in the above projects: Project leader, systems analyst, programmer.
- Creation of a Prototype and the analysis, design, and development of the GL On-Line Audit Trail System
- Analysis, design, and Development of the GL Batch Reporting system
- Estimated the project resources required
- Prepared systems, data flow diagrams, program structure charts and documentation
- Present design walkthru’s of proposed systems design to end-users as well as to other technical IT staff (systems analyst, DBA’s and Systems Architects)
- Prepare test plans, test data, and test data bases as well as the optimization of DB2/SQL statements
- Design and optimized DB2 tables as well as designing CICS screens and batch reports
1980(Dec) - 1987(Feb) Suncor OilSands Co. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- Roles
- Programming, Analysis, design, testing, debugging
- Technical Environment
- IBM 370 DOS/VS
- Projects
- Payroll/HR (Cyborg Payroll/Personnel System)
- G/L, A/P (General Electric)
Payroll/HR(Cyborg Payroll/Personnel System) Project
The company purchased a Payroll/HR package from Cyborg Systems to replace a 10 year old in-house written package that can no longer reliably handle the rapid growth and the unionization of the employees.
My primary responsibility was to migrate the functionality, data, and outputs from the old payroll system to the new Cyborg Payroll System
- Identify the files and reports currently produced by the old payroll system and confirm with users whether they are still required. Formulate strategies to reproduce the required files/reports.
- Plan the installation activities
- Develop implementation strategies
- Identify tasks and resources
- Estimate completion dates and schedule resource requirements
- Plan and conduct end-user training and mode of implementation
- Identify and estimate reports and master file conversion efforts
G/L & A/P Systems
- Provide analysis, programming, technical, training, and system support on an on-going basis.
1978 - 1980 Honda Canada, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
- Roles
- Programming, Analysis, design, testing, debugging
- Technical Environment
- IBM 370 DOS/VS
- Dataman
- System 2000 Database
- Projects
- Inventory/Distribution Systems
- Dealer Systems
- Warehousing Systems
1977 - 1978 Insurance Bureau of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Insurance Bureau of Canada is the national industry association representing Canada’s private home, car and business insurers. Its member companies represent 90% of the property and casualty (P&C) insurance market in Canada.
- Roles
- Programming, Analysis, design, testing, debugging
- Technical Environment
- IBM 360 DOS/VS
- Projects
- Insurance Experience Statistics
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